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Call Centre
Call Center service is an essential in today’s market program, is a new trend, with a flexible, direct and effective way to save operating costs and increase the attractiveness to customers and can attract wide business. If you want to find a good way to increase sales, there is no more effective than telemarketing has! Professional call center to make your business has become more professional and enterprise, increase sales and generate tremendous profits. Call center services for many sectors, for example, that you have a new product on the market, use the telephone to promote than through the press or other media for propaganda to be more direct, more efficient and effective. Hiring excellent telemarketing team, in addition to the performance hit to do to expand your customer, the greater is that it gives you more time to improve the targeting of existing customer services.

Our call center is located in Shenzhen, Nanshan District, providing a variety of customer contact and support services program, and our operator from the rigorous selection process were selected from a wide range of services, coupled with training and guidance to ensure proper use of each operator of professional communication skills, in order to Hong Kong to provide professional services to various clients, including telemarketing, market research, customer service, technical support and other value added services. We are now, as well as in the past served a very wide scope of customers, including Hong Kong’s major telecommunication companies, banking and financial institutions, multinational, Safe deposit companies, and large chain beauty centers and educational institutions and so on



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